Benefits of Dillon's Trees

The benefits of Dillon's public trees are numerous.  The Dillon Tree Board utilizes the USDA i-Trees Program to inventory and calculate the benefits and values of the public trees in the Dillon Community.  The values are calculated from energy savings, storm-water run-off, air quality, CO2 reduction, and aesthetic value.

Some of the many benefits trees provide:  •  Reduce Stormwater Runoff  •   Protect Water Quality  •  Reduce Air Pollution •  Energy Demands  •  Lower Summer Air Temperature  •  Improve Human Health and Well-being 

•  Increase Workplace Productivity •  Provide Wildlife Habitat  • Enhance Property Values • Improve Concentration and Academic Achievement  • Provide Beauty and Natural Aesthetics  •  Reduce Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide

The average annual benefits in dollars per tree is around $90 dollars.

A Total Benefit for all of Dillon's Public Trees is $185,250 Annually. 

This is a significant figure for a small town.